Award of
Distinction SunFest, West Palm Beach 2016
Best of
Show Tampa Bay Fine Arts/Florida Blueberry Festival,
Brooksville 2016

Photo courtesy of Tim
Boyle's Photography
Peter R. Gerbert's
Art Exhibit for the Florida Wildlife Federation's 75th Anniversary
Conservation Awards Banquet June
16th, 2012
The FWF has indicated that Peter R. Gerbert will be featured
in (and on the cover of) a book they are publishing called The
History of the Florida Wildlife Federation, as
Featured Artist since 1997...

Peter R.
Gerbert's “The
Spoonbill Lagoon” is featured on the cover of the
2010 - 2011
painting commissioned by Michael H. Sheridan
Board of Directors, Audubon Florida
ARTWORK OF THE YEAR AWARD -2010 Audubon Florida Assembly
at the Hilton St. Petersburg Carillon

October 23rd, 2010
Peter R. Gerbert receives a very special WILDLIFE ARTWORK OF
THE YEAR AWARD from Audubon
Florida for his latest painting “The
Spoonbill Lagoon.” This is the first time
Audubon Florida recognizes any artist with this distinction.
Prints of the painting are being promoted by Audubon Florida,
with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the group’s
conservation efforts including Roseate Spoonbill research projects.

Peter R. Gerbert receives the award from Eric Draper, Executive
Director of Audubon Florida.
A pan of the hall where the Audubon Florida awards
luncheon was held at the Hilton Carillon in St Pete, FL.
Cove” was purchased by John A. Tomlin, President,
COO of AAA Auto Club South, for his private collection.
John wanted the painting on display in an important place where
many would see it, so he had the painting mounted on the wall
behind his desk in his new office in Tampa!
New Art
Studio –Open House Party April 16th &
17th, 2011

New Art
Studio –Open House Party 2010 October 9th
& 10th, 2010

Fine art collectors
from left: Holly Tomlin, President Tomlin Staffing,
John Tomlin, President, COO AAA Auto Club South, collectors
Bill & Mary Anne Jackson, Peter R. Gerbert and Helen L.
Brant, a frame shop owner visit Peter R. Gerbert’s
newly finished art studio during his ‘Grand Opening -Open
House Party’ October 9th & 10th, 2010. Check the Art
Show Schedule to find out about future events and get the
latest news: ‘The
Wildlife Art Studio of Peter R. Gerbert’ on Facebook.
New (unfinished)
Art Studio –Open House Party October
3rd, 2009
courtesy of Karen Bender

Attendees included best collectors, business contacts, Diane
Hines Vice President of Administration for the Florida
Wildlife Federation, members of the Spring Hill
Art League and the Hernando County Fine Arts Council.
Long time friends Max & Debbie helped and made it a huge
success. Special thanks to all of you who attended!
& sponsor John A. Dufek chats with Diane Hines, Vice
President of Administration for the Florida Wildlife
techniques to a private collector...

The paintings "3
Birds and a Star" and “In
Mom We Trust” were both contest winners in the Florida
Wildlife Magazine 2009 Wildlife Art Contest; featured
in the July /August 2009 issue. Note: the magazine
is not affiliated with the Florida
Wildlife Federation
left to right: President of the Florida Wildlife Federation
Manley K. Fuller, Artist Peter R. Gerbert and Board
of Directors Chair Steve O'Hara. |
R. Gerbert receives a very special Conservation Award
from the Florida Wildlife Federation during their
70th Annual Conservation Awards Banquet & Benefit
on the evening of June 23rd, 2007. A beautiful, personally-engraved,
wood plate declaring Peter's ten years of being the FWF’s
Featured Artist along with his dedication to protecting Florida’s
delicate environment. |
January 18th, 2008
Artist Peter R. Gerbert meets Florida Governor Charlie
Crist in person as the governor enthusiastically views
his Florida Wildlife Art Exhibit for the Florida
Wildlife Federation. Also in photograph: (left of Artist)
Manley K. Fuller, President of the FWF and Salvatore
Riveccio, FWF Website /Publications.

F.G. Courtney, director
of the NWF's southeast regional district checking out the boardroom
after Peter R. Gerbert's artwork is installed. "BEAR
TREES" & "Little
Blue Cove."

The reception area
with friend /sponsor John A. Dufek (boardroom can be seen in
the background.) On the wall on the right is “Another
Brush With Nature.”